Solve Problems In Public

Apr 02, 2020 4:01 pm

The only way to get good at solving problems is to solve them. Not in private, not in a safe way, not in a place where you can waffle about the results. In public.

→ Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception


In nearly every situation, we have a choice of pushing or being pulled.

Pushing toward our values, our vision, & the change we seek to make. Or pulled toward average, toward safe, toward the complacency of waiting for things to be perfect.

Pushing is always harder because whatever we're pushing against will push back. Pushing tests not only our desires but our resolve & our resilience. Pushing creates tension.

Being pulled, on the other hand, feels natural - like the difference between floating downstream & swimming up.

In times of uncertainty, anxiety, & stress, it's easy to let ourselves get pulled - into easy distractions, into a scarcity mindset, into a defensive posture.

Let's fight against that.

Let's keep pushing in the direction of our values.

Let's keep solving problems & being of service & standing up & going first & being brave & fighting for better & improvising & picking ourselves back up when we fall.

Choose to keep pushing not because it's easy, but because it's what we need you to do.

