Learn how to choose the right Self-Publishing Platform that offers free ISBN and more benefits. Reviews with Pros and Cons guide for authors.
Amazon KDP has made self-publishing as easy as publishing a blog post. They also offer free ISBN in one click, but Amazon free ISBN comes with a few downsides.
ISBN lookup sites and tools allow users to search for books by their ISBN numbers and obtain information about the book such as its title, author, publisher, and publication date.
ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 are both numbers used to identify a book. The difference is; ISBN-10 is an international standard number that is used for books that are distributed outside North America, while an ISBN-13 is a specific edition of a book.
Ideally, your imprint or publishing name should reflect your brand and what it stands for. The imprint name should be catchy, short, and memorable.
The ISBN agency is a non-profit organization that manages the assignment of International Standard Book Numbers.