What will November look like?

Oct 01, 2020 2:16 pm

Well now that the first debate is behind us, and every one has had a chance to digest whatever that was that took place, we can now start making plans for the next one? Maybe? Yea, I dunno, I wasn't impressed with either side during the debate or moderator, but anyway, I'm not here to talk about the debate or politics.

I'm here to talk to you about preparing for a crazy November. I can't imagine either side taking a loss very well. I can only imagine things get crazier by the day.

These protests turn to riots, which could ultimately turn into a full blown civil war. I'm not a fear monger, or trying to use scare tactics, but we all know how easy things can blow up in this country. Whether be over race, religion, political stance, or any number of things.

So I've been preparing heavily in the body protection category. I have plenty of food, water, and defense, but I didn't have much in the way of actual protection.

So we teamed up with, our now friends, at Bulletproof Zone, and they have some of the best bulletproof vests and plate carriers, some really nice combos and kits.

I've been looking for a good company to work with for awhile, and I really like their products.

My favorite so far is the 221B Phantom Plate Carrier with Level III= body armor. It is one of their pricier packages, but I like the carrier and plates a lot. I feel like you can skimp on some things when it comes to preparing, but defense and protection isn't one of those area.

Anyway, if you're in the market for some body armor, and now is a vital time to make sure you're protected, then check them out.

So check them out ==> Bulletproof Zone

Let's jump into the news and today's topics.

πŸ“° Prepper Post for Oct 1 2020


Our news is getting an upgrade, we are posting it in several formats and in several places. You can now watch, read or listen to our news briefs, we are every where you are...but not in a creepy way. πŸ˜‰

In today's top stories we discuss how medical matters matter, the bigotry and hatred of Dianne Feinstein, how evil is on the move, and more in today's top stories.

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πŸ“– What Material Should Your Survival Tent be made of?


survival tent is a necessity when you’re camping or bugging out in the wilderness. The majority of tents have two layers: an inner and outer layer. In the inner layer, there is a living or sleeping compartment. The outer layer is designed to repel moisture/rain. Having two layers provides better insulation and inhibits condensation.

Most tents are manufactured using any of these three materials, cotton, polyester, or nylon. Some tents are built using a combination of these materials.

Which survival tent material is best? Read on to learn about the pros and cons of each fabric.

Click here to read more

πŸ“£ What are You Telling Your Younger Self?


Head over to our Facebook page, and let us know what's the first thing you're doing with it!

Click here to comment

Remember, Stay Always,

Scott Hughes


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