Time to Get Really, Really ANGRY! and the prepper's trifecta.

Jul 12, 2021 2:16 pm

July 12, 2021



Quick question before we dive into today's news. We've been talking behind the scenes here about a service for our readers, and audiences of the socials. It would include a monthly newsletter, access to our community (and new app) and our Prepper Alerts text line. The Prepping Trifecta...working on a name for it, 😁. It would cost somewhere between $9 and $17 per month. Newsletter would include the most important stories of the month to pay attention to, check lists, action plans based on specific survival situations, the community is adding live shows, exclusive expert interviews, and more, plus our prepper alerts text line will alert you whenever there's an emergency like active shooter, etc. Hit the reply button and let me know what you think. We are still working out the details, most likely offering a "founders price" of $5 per month, once we hit our founders membership numbers, we'll increase to a later determined price. Hit reply and let me know.

πŸ“° Prepper Post News July 12, 2021 πŸ“°


The Monday Prepper Post News is Live!

We talk about:

🚨 People will believe anything.

🚨 Admission of recession. 

🚨 Trump was the last person who could’ve stopped this. 

🚨 The β€œvaxx” causes brain mutations. 

🚨 They want your children. 

🚨 Boomercons just can’t get with the times.

Grab some coffee to go with your daily dose of the Prepper

Post http://freedomroasterscoffee.com

πŸ“– Read on our site

πŸ”Š Comment at the Community

🎧 Listen on your favorite podcast platform

🎧 Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing

Don't forget we sell the world's best and freshest coffee, yes I know I'm biased, but you gotta try it. Head over to Freedom Roasters Coffee and grab a bag of your favorite roast, mine is the Patriot blend. Use code "email" at checkout for 25% off your purchase.

Remember, Stay Always,

Scott Hughes


PLUS: Here are 4 ways we can help you be better prepared.

  1. Try Our World Class (personal opinion) Coffee. We roast and ship fresh coffee every single day, except Sundays, those are for family. We have all the popular roasts, and adding new flavors all the time - Click Here
  2. Check Out Storm Protection Agency. This is an ever evolving company, we are adding new products every week, and have big plans to offer help beyond just gear and supplies - Click Here

PLUS: Check these out πŸ˜€


Prepper Post Podcast

Freedom Prepper Facebook Group
