How safe do you feel?

Oct 02, 2020 2:16 pm

When you leave your house, how safe do you feel? If you're like most, me included, you're packing a weapon, and there's no craziness happening around your area, so you likely feel pretty safe.

But what if all of that changed? The closer we get to November and this election, the crazier things and people are getting. This month was going to be all about winter survival for us, but we've decided to talk about something we feel is more important, at least for the moment.

We want to talk about riots, civil unrest and civil war. It seems things get worse in this country by the day. Whether it's news casters going at it, left vs right on the streets, or even at work, people are really taking their political, racial, and religious beliefs to a whole new level.

At some point, something will break, and we'll find ourselves in the middle of something, whether it be civil war, riot, or whatever. This county is going to wage a big fight with itself.

You can see it happening already, Seattle is a great (or really bad) example. Things like that can spill over into other communities around the city, and eventually pick up steam across the country.

So we need to be prepared. One way of doing that, above guns, ammo, food and water, is self protection.

That's where our friends at Bulletproof Zone come in. They offer a large variety of body protection, from backpacks, to vests, to plate carrier packages.

I've opted top go with their 221B Phantom Plate Carrier package, it's a little pricey at $500, but will be worth it if chaos ever breaks out in our area, and I have to venture out into it.

Something I got for our kids, and I've been urging parents to look into, are their bulletproof backpacks. Our kids are at their most vulnerable in places like school, so I want mine to be as protected as possible.

So check them out ==> Bulletproof Zone

Let's jump into the news and today's topics.

πŸ“° Prepper Post for Oct 2 2020


In today's top stories along with the debate we talk about why Africa has a lower infection rate of COVID, biometrics, and what it will take to get into a store, the "vaccine" and more in today's top stories preppers need to know.

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πŸ“– These 10 Tomahawks will Chop Your Odds of Survival Failure


The Tomahawk is an ancient weapon and tool. Yes, it’s essentially a lightweight combat hatchet, and yes, the concept was known far and wide beyond Native American tribes. However, we owe the cool name – cool enough to name a cruise missile after – to the Powhatan tribe of Virginia: thanks, guys!

Click here to read more

πŸŽ₯ Which of These Waterproof Tents Do You Like Best?


Watch and we'll explain what exactly to look for when picking a waterproof survival tent.

Click here to watch.

Remember, Stay Always,

Scott Hughes

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