Definitely Not Backed By Science

Jul 21, 2021 2:16 pm

July 20, 2021



Coffee is just coffee. Something I've heard a few times since I started roasting my own coffee. This is something even before I started roasting coffee I didn't believe. Back when I was single, way wife, no kids, pretty much no responsibility aside from rent and a few bills, I had money to spend. I chose some fancy pants coffee from Sweden up from I think Maxwell House at the time. I quickly learned coffee isn't just coffee. My girlfriend, would be wife, moved in and she was raised on instant "coffee". Notice the quotations, because I've never had instant "coffee" that I would consider coffee, lol. Anyway, she was the first person I heard say "coffee is coffee". She believed it, that is until she tasted my Swedish coffee. Changed her world, when she tasted actual coffee, but I never faulted her for thinking coffee is coffee. I've went through many coffee brands over the years, and once I tasted freshly roasted coffee. Coffee that has is at its peak the first 5 - 10 days, there was no turning back. I started sharing this coffee with family and friends, and Freedom Roasters Coffee was born. If you're ready to get off of the "coffee is coffee" bandwagon, and enjoy some really great tasting coffee, you gotta try Freedom Roasters Coffee, and we just increased the savings on our subscription plans. If you choose the weekly delivery, regardless how little you buy, you get 45% off.

☕️☕️Up Your Coffee Game☕️☕️

📰 Prepper Post News July 21, 2021 📰


The Wednesday Prepper Post News is Live!

We talk about:

🚨 COVIDians do the darndest things.

🚨 LA brings back the mask mandate.

🚨 Visit this SC bar for “Shots and Chasers”

🚨 DO NOT let big tech in your brain!

🚨 No election fraud...except there is.

🚨 No kids = no future

Grab some coffee to go with your daily dose of the Prepper


📖 Read on our site

🔊 Comment at the Community

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🎧 Add us to your Alexa Flash Briefing

Don't forget we sell the world's best and freshest coffee, yes I know I'm biased, but you gotta try it. Head over to Freedom Roasters Coffee and grab a bag of your favorite roast, mine is the Patriot blend. Use code "email" at checkout for 25% off your purchase.

Remember, Stay Always,

Scott Hughes

PLUS: Here are 4 ways we can help you be better prepared.

  1. Try Our World Class (personal opinion) Coffee. We roast and ship fresh coffee every single day, except Sundays, those are for family. We have all the popular roasts, and adding new flavors all the time - Click Here
  2. Check Out Storm Protection Agency. This is an ever evolving company, we are adding new products every week, and have big plans to offer help beyond just gear and supplies - Click Here

PLUS: Check these out 😀

Prepper Post Podcast

Freedom Prepper Facebook Group
