What happens when the lights go out?

Oct 05, 2020 2:16 pm

Are you prepared for what to do when the lights go out? Experts say our power grid is one of the most vulnerable things about our modern society.

They say several attacks have been thwarted, and it's only a matter of time, before one makes it through.

I'm sure you have plenty of flashlights, batteries and fire starting material, but we need a source of power. Even if it's just for a little bit, we all have food that can go bad, devices to charge, several reasons to have backup power on hand.

My wife and I go camping often, and even though we don't need a lot of technology to keep us entertained and occupied, we do like to keep our phones on us and charged, just in case the kids need us for something.

So I bought a Jackery Explorer Portable Power Station, and 2 100W Solar Panels to go with it. Now we don't need that much power for a few nights camping, but I figured I would use this if and when the power goes out at home, to at least keep things going for a bit.

Jackery has several different options for portable power stations, and they can all be charged with several different methods, I opted for solar, because I've been wanting to get into solar power anyway, so figured that was a good place to start.

I also used it to heat up our water for our morning coffee, because let's face it who's really patient enough to wait for water to boil over a fire.

So if you're ready to get some portable power, go check out Jackery.

Let's jump into the news and today's topics.

📰 Prepper Post for Oct 5 2020


Today we discuss an older, overweight man that caught the cold, who broke the internet, hear from Gerald Celente about war and depression, and more in today's top stories.

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📖 30 Preps for Under $30


Prepping can get expensive real quick, but it doesn't all have to be over the top expensive, today we show you 30 pieces of survival gear under $30 each.

Click here to read more

🎥 The Streets Are Dangerous...Especially Now


As the country continues to fight within itself, and civil unrest spreads, we, and many other sites have pushed the awareness for being prepared for things like this in your area.

80% of us line in some form of urban area, so today we discuss 9 street smart urban survival skills.

Click here to watch.

Remember, Stay Always,

Scott Hughes


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