Let Your Doomscroll Do The Walking (The Truth: How FB Trains Youtube About You)

May 14, 2024 3:35 pm

When was the last time you used the Yellow pages?

You still get those?

I have an old one, but haven’t seen a new one in a minute.

I’m not sure who still gets’em, but I’m old enough to remember t.v. ads encouraging me to let my “fingers do the walking.”

I’m sure Yellow page ads still exist somewhere, but no idea who's still using them.


Sidenote: I think it'd be so awesome if someone figured out how to use direct

response pigeons.

On that note, I remember a Dan Kennedy anecdote…

You know… the guy you can only get a hold of via Fax machine?

He once relayed a simple small business lesson...

How a small biz owner can use both direct response and branding to grow a business.

Ever heard the Al the Plumber story?

I might goof this a bit, but...

Here's the short version.

Guy has plumbing issue (it might've been Dan himself in the story).

Looks through Yellow pages, finds Al.

Al shows up all prim pro proper.

Think white glove bougie but, you know... in plumber form.

Anyways, guy has all this dope marketing collateral.

Including checklists and a dvd player complete with video presentation.

After doing his assessment thing, he makes some suggestions and extends an offer.

Buyer, of course, accepts and the job is completed.

After confirming satisfaction, Al asks for testimonials, endorsements and referrals.

The gist…

You need to get discovered (Yellow page ad).

You need a systematic sales process (presentation).

You need to give great service (duh).

Then you need to ask for endorsements, testimonials and referrals.

Today this might include platform reviews like on Yelp or Google My Business.

All of these things are separate components.

They must be developed and interwoven into a cohesive process.

Systemized into a perpetual marketing and growth plan.

I have no idea if Al is a real dude.

Frankly, I also don’t know any small business owners that seem to have their *ish together as well as this fabled pimped out plumber.


The principles and lessons still stand.

You need a way to get discovered and recommended.

You might still can use the Yellow pages if you like.

But there are less cash up front, more efficient and more effective ways to do this thanks to the internet.


Tons of ways.

You’ve got Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube.

I'm not saying Yellowpages are dead.

Marketing channels hardly ever full on die.

I still use Craigslist for goodness sake.

As far as discovery intent goes, think doom scrolling on Facebook or Instagram.

Or binge watching videos on Youtube.

Here folks are aimlessly scrolling until something interesting catches their attention.

You and I both do it (it’s terrible and I need to do less of it).

Nonetheless, it works.

BTW, did you know over 75% of all Youtube videos are discovered via Youtube itself?


Youtube's algorithm(s) recommendations.

That makes Youtube both an excellent discovery vehicle AND recommendation partner.

Actually it’s one of the most versatile purpose platforms we have in existence today.

Youtube is a beast.

Facebook seems a bit more stingy with their reach.

Anyways, back to the marketing flow lesson.

After discovery, people do some searching and researching.

They might fish around about a thing on Google.

And maybe do further research on Youtube or Reddit.

Then investigate further somewhere else.

The point I’m trying to make is while we’re all still trying to make our way in this world, it’s important to remember…

We need ways to be discovered...

But then we need to remember to do good work enough so that we can become recommended.

The rest is putting in reps and being consistent with a process.

Be useful.

Stay useful.

The cliche advice still stands: Help enough folks get what they want, you’ll eventually get what you want.

To accelerate this be more efficient.

Focus on aligning your efforts with folks that have resources.

This makes your skills more useful.




P.S. BTW, I’ve just recently helped a small business owner get a mini stampede of new customers through their doors in just over 14 days.

It wasn’t difficult.

It was just a matter of tweaking their offer a bit and strategic placement.

Better message in front of more targeted eyeballs.

It would’ve been way easier if they had a list or $$$ for paid ads.

Fortunately, I was able to see a way to make it happen without either.

Know anyone that needs more sales?

If so, just reply and tell me a little about the situation.

If I can help, I'll tell ya how.

I appreciate ya.
