How dull it is to pause

Jul 01, 2024 6:07 pm

"How dull it is to pause, to make an end,

To rust unburnish’d, not to shine in use!"

--"Ulysses" --Tennyson

The sentiment above is true, but Bugs in the System has reached an end, and it's not dull. It's action-packed and heavily stacked with excitement and not-so-subtle satire. The Skirmish Team is finding my typos and calling my writing skills into judgment on every page. So far, the feedback is favorable.

Read to the bottom for the new flash fiction contest.

Writers Cantina:

It opened with a visit by the local constabulary regarding our choice of parking and closed by the organizer literally shooing the last of us from the scene. However, the fun continued as I lingered with Dave, David, Josh, and another writer outside the locked doors of the venue in discussion of matters both arcane and mundane--which sounds like a book title: Matters Arcane and Mundane: How Secret Societies Control Your Daily Life. My presentation on Forging Unforgettable Stories came through with no casualties and completely sans the hurling of rotten fruit and vegetables, so that was a win-win. Additionally, it was standing room only for the Historical Fantasy Panel that I organized and moderated. Dave Butler, Daniel Swenson, and David West were terrific, taking my impromptu questions (I had lost my original list of well thought out and erudite inquiries), providing responses both interesting and meaningful.

To top off the the great event, I was invited to sup with editors and writers for Raconteur Press. I got to talk Star Trek with Brad and another prolific short story writer who favored a Hawaiian shirt that day. Nancy's spicy spaghetti tapped my taste buds with a terrific little tango of flavor that I quite enjoyed. I had nice conversations with James and J.C. and a delightful little chat with Liddie about the Arthurian stories that she's crafting. I had a couple brief discussions with Mike at the conference but didn't get to talk much to him at the after gathering as he was tied up with more entertaining folks. I also spoke briefly with Liddie's dad at the conference and enjoyed that as well. There was also a discussion with Joe, Brad, and J.L. that was quite pleasant. Perhaps the most memorable conversation I had at the conference concerned a topic outside the ordinary: Mastitis. Although perhaps not quite as notable as the breast infection topic, there was also a great discussion at the same table about paranormal experiences with David, Josh, Daniel, and Janiel that was great fun.

I may relate more about the conference on the blog--especially that unusual conversation.

I'm linking a site twice today. It's because I have the courage to do it. Wouldn't you like to be more courageous? Here's how to increase your courage.

An all genre giveaway. There's bound to be something you like in this veritable Alexandrian Library of books (but no scrolls, Greek, or Latin, as I believe they're all in English). Check it out.

Finally, with Independence Day approaching, it seems appropriate to have another flash fiction contest with the prize being one of my autographed paperbacks. Here are the criteria: 350 words or less featuring the employment of one or more fireworks for something other than the usual purpose. Let's make the deadline for entry July 31st.

As we started, so let's end with the end of Tennyson's "Ulysses":

"Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
