Firehouse Ruins and the long half mile

Oct 03, 2022 10:54 pm

Behold, the firehouse ruins


I spent most of the week in Utah with my dad and my son. It was our annual trip with this being the second such jaunt.

We tried to go to these ruins last year but never found the trail. Strictly speaking, we didn't find the trail this year either. My son found the location on his phone and announced it was only a half mile walk along what appeared to be an easy trail to the ruins. Spoiler: The way was neither limited to a half mile nor was it easy.

At some point you have to face the cost of your bad decisions. We faced them on this trip.Our half-mile trip, for which we took no water or other supplies, was five miles with a plunge down the canyon wall through brush and treacherous rock. Most of the walking was along the bottom of the canyon, which wasn't too difficult. However, we yet had no trail to the top. We climbed out of the canyon at a location even more steep and thickly populated with brush than the way down had been. That's the way we roll. We had to lift and pull one another to get over the canyon rim. Point of interest, my dad will be 80 in a few months.The half mile trip became a round trip of 5 miles.

There's another picture and more info about the trip, including the futile hunt for the cribbage board here - with my apologies to Robert Service.

The Free Adventure Books link is down below with the neato picture.


Truth in Flames is in the final chapters. I had planned to wrap it up in chapter 27. I'm in chapter 26 now, and may expand by a chapter or two, or make chapters 26 and 27 extra large. The first 6 chapters have gone out to my skirmish team for review. If you would like to join the team, let me know.


I completed my study of rhetoric at the Art of Manliness site. I took notes and came away disappointed, so I won't share any more of that. However, I did pick up two of the recommended books. Here are three notes from Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln by James C. Humes, which I found both helpful and interesting:

The Power Pause -- Before you begin your speech, or response, pause and lock eyes on each of your would-be listeners. Review your opening sentence in your mind. Every second you weight strengthens the impact of your opening words. (paraphrased from page 5).

The Power Opening -- The prime time of any talk or presentation is the opening. (paraphrased from page 8). I would add that most of the talks, opening statements, and closing arguments that I see completely waste these precious moments of audience attention with banalities or inept attempts at humor.

Make Your Power Point -- (We're not talking about PowerPoint presentation. We're talking about the power point of your speech.) Figure out the power point, the purpose and focus of your presentation. Reinforce it with examples and case stories. Everything you say should be directed to the power point result. (paraphrased from pages 27-31).

More next time.


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Honor Roll with special thanks to these subscribers:

Lois for her stunning review and heroic defense of The Shrinking Zone.

JBudd for reviews of Threading the Rude Eye, In Death Bedrenched, Power to Hurt, The Shrinking Zone, Clamorous Harbingers, and Promise of Carnage and Flame.

Colleen for leaving ratings for several of my books on Amazon.

Rob for leaving a review of Threading the Rude Eye

Michael for leaving reviews of Threading the Rude Eye, and The Shrinking Zone

Mayra for a review of Threading the Rude Eye

Gloria for a review of Threading the Rude Eye

ShannonC for a review of In Death Bedrenched

Jan for reviews of Threading the Rude Eye and Power to Hurt

Bonnie for a review of In Death Bedrenched

-There are other reviews of my books, of course, but I don't know whether those reviewers are also subscribers to this newsletter.

If you have posted a review anywhere for any of my books, let me know so that I can include you in the Honor Roll.
