falloutghoulzine:Text: Here at FGZ, we consider Harold to be one of us! Along with Chris Haversam, we welcome Harold as a potential character to feature in our zine. Who do you hope you’ll see in volume 2? We’re getting some folks asking whether or n...

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Nov 14, 2022

Part 2: What is the zine production process?Seeing as zines can vary so widely and because our project is a fanzine specifically, we’ll cover the typical process of the latter as it’s more relevant.Fanzines usually start with a fan or two deciding th...

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Nov 10, 2022

It’s not terribly uncommon for us to receive interest from folks who admit they’ve never even heard of zines; they simply know they like being involved in community events and ours sounds fun! So we figured we could compile a brief introduction to zi...

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Nov 10, 2022


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Nov 10, 2022