Dear Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties.― Donna Goddard Do you sometimes wonder if the Univer...
Hi there, Dear Here's the weekly update for March 22nd, 2023 in Zero Point Awakening🗒️ Advanced Ho’oponopono for Relationships: A Journey to Love, Healing, and ConnectionHello, beautiful souls!Today, we’re going to dive into an advanced method of Ho’...
Dear Have you ever felt like you missed your true calling… or have yet to fully understand it?Do you feel pulled to try something new and exciting, yet also feel uneasy about all the ways it could potentially change your life?As strange as it m...
Hi there,Dear Here's our weekly update for March 12th, 2023... in Zero Point Awakening🗒️ Ho’oponopono and EFT tappingAre you looking for a way to reduce stress and emotions?Are you looking for an easy and natural way to heal yourself mentally, emotio...
Hi there,Here's my weekly update for February 28th, 2023 for Zeropoint Awakening🗒️ Unlocking the Power of Ho’oponopono: Understanding the Trigger WordsHo’oponopono trigger words play a vital role in the effective practice of this powerful healing tec...
Hello Dear Here's our update for January 30th, 2023 in🗒️ Ho’oponopono: The Key to Eliminating Debt and Creating Abundance in Your LifeDebt can be a heavy burden that affects not only our financial stability but also our mental...
Dear Imagine learning a therapeutic technique that can significantly decrease symptoms of stress-related illness, alleviate suffering, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest success.Now imagine using your imagination to circumvent y...
Hola quer id@Hoy 7 de Enero a las 8pm hora de CDMX estaremos dando esta videoconferencia acerca de la interpretación de los sueños🎥 Interpretación de los Sueños y los 4 Niveles de PercepciónAprende más sobre la interpretación de los sueños en nuestr...
Hola querid@ ¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre el poder de la sanación energética y cómo puedes utilizarla para mejorar tu vida? ¡Descarga nuestro ebook gratuito "Reiki: Tu guía definitiva para el 2023"!En este libro, te llevaremos a través de los conc...
Hello dear hope you're having a great day on this new year 2023Here's my weekly update for January 6th, 2023...🗒️ How to Use Ho’oponopono to Attract the Loved One?In this post will explore how to use Ho’oponopono to attract the person you love so yo...