The Legacy of Lethe Cover Reveal

Feb 10, 2022 12:01 am


I'm gearing up for the launch of The Legacy of Lethe, book two in the Kiynan Chronicles series. I've had the cover ready for a while, but I've been hiding it for a dramatic reveal... and here it is!


What is that weird face you ask? Well, it's a Lethean! Didn't they all disappear thousands of years before The Conquest of Kiynan begins? Yes, they did. And book two will tell you all about it, while also revisiting Kayla, Simion and other characters 20 years after their adventures in book one.

The launch date is officially set for March 7th in both paperback and ebook. I am looking for volunteers (in the biz we call it a street team) to read it in advance and be ready to post a review on Amazon on launch day. If you're interested, please reply to this e-mail and I'll send you a free electronic copy in whichever format you prefer.

If you want details about where this book sits in the overall series timeline, have a look at this post. You can also check out a post about the geography of the Kiynan Chronicles setting here, because why not? What are you busy or something?

As part of the launch, the ebook version of The Conquest of Kiynan (book one) will be discounted to $0.99 from March 7th to 11th. That would be a good time to tell a friend to get a cheap copy and get into the series! :)

It has been almost 2 months since the (re)launch of The Conquest of Kiynan and it has been a hectic journey. I'm still just getting started in this indie author business and it is one of those things where as you learn, you discover how much more you don't know. I would do a lot of things differently if I could go back in time, but I have thankfully gotten a few things right as well. If you or anyone you know is planning to jump into self-publishing, e-mail me and I'll try to save you/them some of the stress I went through.

In the mean time, I'm off to work on book three!


Eric P. Caillibot
