🤓featured indie authors

Jan 07, 2024 12:00 am


Happy new year everyone! I hope you had some fun and (mostly) restful time off!

Aside from holiday family activities and related madness, I was thankfully able to set a little time aside for reading and writing. Ever since getting into indie publishing, I've been (mostly) avoiding reading mass market books and focusing on indie authors instead.

Until a couple of years ago, I had no idea that so many people out there were writing and publishing books, and I am thrilled to be part of this large and dynamic community. I've discovered so many fantastic writers, who I would never have heard of if I hadn't sought out indie books specifically. Admittedly, I've found a couple of books that weren't to my liking, but the vast majority have been high quality and thoroughly entertaining.

This month, I'm bringing you a couple of examples of indie authors I think you might enjoy. Like me, they have their own newsletters and if you sign up, you'll instantly get access to a free book. Click the links below to find out more about each one!


Get Black Bane | Get Spirit Summoner

I've got big plans for this year, starting with the launch of The Ordeals of Ornland on February 21. I'm still looking for volunteers to post reviews, so please reach out to me!


Eric P. Caillibot

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