Cover Reveal for Books 1 & 2 🤩

Oct 14, 2023 3:46 pm


I've got not one, but six new covers to show off! I won't make you scroll for it, check out the custom artwork for (the 3rd version of) The Conquest of Kiynan.


Daimin the Conjurer has never looked better, IMHO. I'll be uploading this to Amazon shortly, followed by a revised edition of The Legacy of Lethe.


That's Yngvar Backbreaker wielding the Red Relic. Why put heroes on the cover when you can use villains?

I mentioned six covers, but that's only the first two. You're probably wondering what all the others are for? Well, there's a new cover for my short story set in the Kiynan Chronicles setting, Arcane Aftermath (formerly titled Dawn of Magic). There are also new covers for the Dungeons & Dragons 5e supplement to be used for playing in The World of Kiynan, as well as a pre-made adventure using that setting called Return to Skywall. While I commissioned a professional artist for the covers of my three novels, I tried my hand at generating covers myself using AI for the other three titles. You can check them all out on my website. I'll get into more detail about my AI experiments in a future newsletter.

If you're keeping count, you'll have noticed there's one more cover to go... But I'll save The Ordeals of Ornland reveal for my next update. 😝

I'm just about finished the final draft of book 3, so I'm getting into planning the big launch. I'll need your help to post reviews right after it goes live. If you're willing to help me with that, please reply to this e-mail and I'll send you a free copy for you to read ahead of time.You'll even get to see the cover before everyone else...


Eric P. Caillibot
