Beta Readers Wanted 🙋

Nov 15, 2022 2:30 pm



I'm excited to announce that I've completed an initial draft of The Kiynan Chronicles Book 3: The Ordeals of Ornland!

I started book 3 in January and here we are in November, with 75,000 words written. That's just a slightly better pace than I set when writing the first two books, which each took about 10 years. Yeah.

I'm now on the lookout for beta readers. I need fresh sets of eyes and outside perspectives to help me take a step back and see all of the warts and mistakes. Did you ever notice the "Special thanks to..." mentions at the beginning of books 1 and 2? Those were my best beta readers on those projects. If you are willing to help me out with this one, please reply to this e-mail. I'll send you an electronic copy of the manuscript in whichever format you prefer (epub, PDF, Kindle).

If books 1 and 2 are not fresh in your mind, don't let that stop you! Book 3 was written to be read as a stand-alone story. You should be able to completely follow the story without having even read the first two books (and if you can't, I need to know so that I can fix it). To whet your appetite, here is the blurb that I shared in my September newsletter:

Forced to choose between friendship and destiny.

Cadvin is destined to become the greatest Augur to have ever lived. When he is selected for training over his childhood friends, he vows to help them learn magic, despite the law. When they discover that their aptitudes lie in reviving ancient, forbidden magic, Cadvin is forced to walk the line between duty and loyalty. His closest friend, Daimin, refuses to stand idly by as the oppressive theocracy would have him live in secrecy and shame. Nothing in Cadvin’s visions can prepare him for the impending confrontation.

Thousands of years later, a young student of Kayla Freeland discovers that he has an aptitude for forbidden magic. Refusing to deny his newly found identity, he goes on the run to escape the unforgiving magicians bent on enforcing the ancient law. His only hope at acceptance is the desperate search for the truth that was buried along with Cadvin and Daimin so long ago.

While the beta reading is going on, I'll be starting work on the new covers for all three books. You can look forward to the big reveal of those in this newsletter!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Take care!

Eric P. Caillibot
