The Legacy of Lethe Launch πŸš€

Mar 07, 2022 1:31 pm



The Legacy of Lethe (The Kiynan Chronicles book two) is now live in both ebook and paperback! If you buy it through the affiliate links on my website (which should redirect you to the Amazon storefront for your region), I get a little more from Amazon at no extra cost to you. The book is also available in Kindle Unlimited, if you have a subscription. Please remember to post a review!


The Conquest of Kiynan (The Kiynan Chronicles book one) is on sale for $0.99 from March 7th to March 11th inclusively. You can find Amazon affiliate links for it too on my website and it is also in Kindle Unlimited. This would be a good time to get that friend of yours who loves fantasy to pick up the series. You know the one I mean. πŸ˜‰

Both books are exclusively available on Amazon for the time being. I do plan to publish across other platforms (e.g., Kobo, Apple iBooks, Google Play, Barnes & Noble), but I am still figuring out the details. For the moment, I'm trying to prioritize writing.

Speaking of which, I'm well into The Ordeals of Ornland (The Kiynan Chronicles book three), although there is a lot of work still to do. Stay tuned to this newsletter! I will be sharing tidbits and sneak previews in the coming months (no spoilers though, don't worry).

Last but not least, this month I'm partnering with other indie fantasy & sci-fi authors in the...


Click the link above and you'll find over 120 free books/novellas/short stories to download. Pick as many as you like, sign up to their respective newsletter(s) and discover new authors! For a little challenge, see if you can spot Dawn of Magic in the list...


Eric P. Caillibot
