A Romantic Rendezvous

Mar 14, 2024 5:12 am


Between the Pages


Those of you who are in Australia will know we have had a very late summer - so late that it's autumn. The temperatures this week have been draining. Thank goodness for air-conditioning.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a guest stay for a couple of nights through the Host a Sister program. She was from Belgium, and was doing a tour of Australia over a few months. I took her to Morialta Falls, which is east of the city in the foothills. We were fortunate to see a couple of kangaroo families and a couple of kookaburras as well.


I've been slipping down to the beach early in the mornings for a swim. It's not quite Sandy Bay, but you can imagine the characters in those stories doing the same when the weather is as hot as it has been lately. The water is very calm at that time of day, but still deliciously cool. I love watching the sunrise while floating in the water.


Stay cool in these unpredictable times.

As you will see below, I am flying to Melbourne this weekend to take part in the Australian Romance Rendezvous book signing. It's not too late to purchase a ticket if you would like to attend.



In this week's newsletter:

  • Romance in the Stone
  • Sandy Bay Series - print copies
  • A Romantic Rendezvous


Romance in the Stone


I have added a short story to this collection. Each story features a gemstone in some way. The latest story is Change of Heart. If you would like to download a copy of this short story, click the link below. It is set in Alice Springs, and is related to the Red Centre Series.

This is available to my newsletter readers.

Click Here!


Print copies of the Sandy Bay Series - Australia only

Escape to Sandy Bay $20 + $5 postage

Print Book

Return to Sandy Bay $20 + $5 postage

Print Book

Readers elsewhere may purchase print books from Amazon



I'l looking forward to this event, to be held at the Ibis Hotel in the Melbourne CBD. I'll be driving over from Adelaide for this event. It's a great opportunity to meet up with local readers. Click the tab below to purchase your ticket for the Rendezvous.

Click Here!



If you read any of my books, or those written by others that are presented in my newsletters, I and my fellow authors would be grateful if you left a review. Reviews help future readers, and also tell the book retailer algorithms that they should keep presenting the book as an option for anyone browsing..


Kind regards


Emily Hussey - Author, Poet, Coach

Find me at https://linktr.ee/emilyhusseyauthor

Follow me on Bookbub
