All of the Red Centre...
Feb 02, 2023 8:09 pm
Between the Pages
Hard to believe we're into February already. Only a few more weeks and summer will be over. Today is uncharacteristically wet, windy and cold. It's a good day to be inside with a book.
I have recently listed my books with Google Books, and through them am offering a Valentine's Day Special. The Red Centre Series is available at a discount of 30%, if ordered before 15 February. Besides the three books in the series, the prequel, Journey to the Heart is available for free download. That means four books are available for the price of two.
To learn more about the books click here.
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Are you interested in being a beta reader for future books?
A beta reader reads an early draft of a manuscript, and comments on issues, such as whether the plot was engaging, if there are any confusing plot holes, and whether the tension or conflict needs ramping up. This draft usually hasn't been through intensive editing. If you are interested in joining the beta team, email me at beta reader.
Note: you need to be able to read the book and respond in a timely manner.
Kind regards
Emily Hussey - Author, Poet, Coach
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