Wild Destiny
Feb 17, 2022 12:40 am
Release of Wild Destiny
I've mentioned it in past newsletters but nothing quite matches the excitement of a new release. It's finally out in the Wild.
Part whimsy, part fantasy, part romance with a little spice for good measure. It is set in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia, and focuses on a Clan who live their lives by the way of the Goddess. Harrow is a town where everything is not what it seems on the surface.
This is the first book in the Harrow Series. The first five people who receive this newsletter who leave a review will receive a free copy on release of Wild Tempest, Book 2 in the series. That review can be on Amazon, Goodreads or Bookbub. Email me at emily@emilyhussey.com.au to let me know you've posted it.
Other books by fellow writers
Naked Memory, by Rachel Green.
Every Day I Loved You, by Robin Edwards
My Late Husband's Secrets by Victoria Michaels
(A collection of novels, including Maison Angelique)
Hopefully, there was something for everyone is this edition of the newsletter.
Kind regards
Emily Hussey - Author, Poet, Coach
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