Angel Dust Early Release!

Dec 23, 2022 5:01 pm

Hello wonderful readers,

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season! The cold weather is really hitting where I am, and I'm taking every excuse to stay cozy inside.

Now, for some exciting news - Angel Dust is being released early! Today, the 23rd, is the official release date for Angel Dust and everyone that pre-ordered should have access to the book today. It's also listed in Kindle Unlimited, so head over to Amazon now to get started reading 😁

Read Angel Dust Now!

I hope you all enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! After the holidays, I'll be jumping right into the sequel with hopes to have that released in early Spring.

The next email will have an entry form included for a giveaway to celebrate the holidays - a free paperback copy of Angel Dust will be given to one winner!

Thank you all for reading, and happy holidays.

Talk soon,

Emily Frances

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