Want to know why you can no-longer Let FEAR Run You?
Oct 20, 2022 3:16 pm
Dear Wonderful Woman,
How are you doing?
I'm well.
I've recently come to the end of the learning part of the programme I was on.
And as much as I've moved forward with my:
Fear is something that I'm still dealing with. You know even though I've grown and I'm taking different actions than I used too.
I still have some residual FEAR of:
Doing what I MUST
Wondering if I'm doing it RIGHT
If I'm going to get the RESULT I desire
And so I wanted us to think a little bit about FEAR and what we can do to FEAR-LESS and take action rather than procrastinate, believe we can't do it or whatever the thought is that holds you back from doing it differently.
Rather than trying to work against FEAR, perhaps there is another way?
A way to acknowledge FEAR
A way to move despite FEAR
A way to use FEAR as a catalyst?!
Yes, so FEAR is about - a feeling of stress, a feeling of "real or imagined danger" as a RESULT of doing something we have never done before.
Yet, if do not do what you've never DONE before, then you cannot the get the RESULTS you've never had before.
If You want:
A Promotion
To increase your day rate
To to change jobs
To be more visible in your industry on LinkedIn
To have your work recognised
Then you will need to do things that you've never done before.
Do you want to bridge where you are NOW and what you want to FEEL when you wake up on 31st Dec 2022?
If the answer is Yes!
I've got an exciting offer that will have me be your coach at a special time-limited investment rate.
You can join me inside the Kick Start your career, tool kit for:
For getting you that promotion
For building your confidence
Asserting yourself & having your voice heard in the workplace
For supporting you to take action to raise your visibility
The brilliant thing about this offer is comes with 2 levels!
You can get the product and be your own coach.
Or up-grade and get a coaching session from me once you've completed the training.
The investment for option 1 is £99 and for the VIP upgrade is £250.
This offer is only available until Midnight on Sunday 23rd Oct.
Today I ask, let me know 1 thing that you're doing TODAY to FEAR-LESS and get the Career RESULT you desire by 31st Dec 2022?
I hope you have a great evening.
Warm Regards,