What's Really Standing Between You and Your Biggest Career Goal?

Oct 19, 2022 11:31 am

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

I've been on a coaching programme with my coach. I'm coming to the end of it in the next couple of weeks.

And I want to share with you about my journey into enrolling into her programme. Because it's a common story which I think it would be helpful to unpick.

We know what we want, desire or DREAM of.

And sometimes there is gap in our ability in relation to:

Our beliefs


Trust in ourselves


Understanding of what we really want.

And it's the last one that we need to give some consideration too. Because it's easy to set a goal or to have a DREAM.

However we need to be conscious and intentional about whether that career goal or DREAM is really ours.

Beyonce has a great song, which exactly describes some of the issues, it's called "Grown Woman" and she reminds us that we are sovereign adults and you can do whatever you want.

Do you believe that you can do whatever you want?

And what I mean by this is, do you believe that you can:

Put yourself first

Be more visible

Monetise your knowledge

Start a side hustle

Go for a promotion

Start your own business

Start a charity or social enterprise

Change your career

Because I'm sure you're not going to be surprised when I say that the only person holding you back is YOU. Because you have beliefs that don't serve you, you are playing small and you're afraid to go for what you really want for fear of FAILURE.

If you are holding yourself back, then what options do you have?

Well awareness gives choice and the freedom to make a decision to take intentional action.

So I Invite you to consider what you want to be TRUE in your career by 31st Dec 2022?

And can you get that RESULT by yourself?

If the answer is Yes - great, when are you getting started on doing when you do what you MUST to get the Career RESULT you desire by 31st Dec 2022?

If the answer is No- what are you doing to get the help or support you need so that you get the Career RESULT you desire by 31st Dec 2022?

Hit reply and let me know 1 thing that you're doing TODAY to get the Career RESULT you desire by 31st Dec 2022?

I hope you have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
