Don't believe in all that you've been told

Aug 03, 2022 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I hope you're well.

Beyonce said, in her recent song, Break my Soul, "If you don't seek it, you won't see it".

Which is a fantastic insight what I want to talk about today.

Actually the whole song is littered with some thoughts on what you may or may not like to do about your job and your life!

Seeking is an action it is NOT passive.

It is Not:

❌ Thinking and not Doing

❌ Believing your Inner Critic

❌ Taking somebody else's WORD that You Can't DO IT

❌ Wishing for something with NO Plan or No Intentional Action

It IS:

✅ Taking aligned beliefs and action

✅ Feeling the FEAR and Doing it Anyway

✅ Seeing value in the journey to a big and audacious goal

✅ It is taking intentional action with a plan

Because for me one of my own personal commitments for this year was to raise my visibility and to go for the things I thought were out of reach for me.

And something amazing has happened, It's changed my whole state of being and how I approach things.

And no I've not always been successful in the endeavours that I have put myself forward for in terms of getting the DESIRED outcome.

But what it has done for me is given me a greater sense of confidence about who I am and who I am becoming.

If you'd like to know more about my "becoming more confident practices", check out my post today: HERE

Hit reply and let me 1 thing that you've learnt from Queen B's song about your career?

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
