Your Next Opportunity is Right in Front of You!

May 19, 2022 5:01 pm

Hello Lovely New Coach & Consultant,

How are you doing? I am well.

Shonda Rhimes, in her famous book, "Year of Yes", or so the story goes basically said, "Yes to everything!" Now, I'm not about to advocate that you do that.

I am going to ask you to be discerning about saying "Yes", when it feels right even if you're not 100% sure. Because in that grey area between "Yes" and "No", I know personally my default go to is "No". This is where I ask you to challenge yourself and ask yourself why are you saying "No", is this a thought through response or is it an automatic, let's protect myself from potential harm or an uncertain outcome?

Because recently I had an experience where in the past, I would have said, "No", but I decided to say, "Yes to a networking opportunity, that came out of no-where".

And it has got me thinking about the opportunities that we are blind too. What I mean by this is we are blinded by our expectation and it not being an exact match to what we are seeking.

So today I wanted to share 3 questions to ask yourself before you say "No":

✅ What is triggering or making me feel scared or unsafe about this? And are these concerns fears or facts?

✅ Who can I share this opportunity with that would give me a fresh perspective before I give my answer?

✅ What is best outcome from this decision and is worth more than my fear?

To read the full story on my networking experience. You can check it out: HERE

Are you ready to embrace your next opportunity?

Have a great evening.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
