Are you ready to dial up your belief in Yourself?

Mar 02, 2023 12:01 pm

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

I hope that you've started this new month with a sense of new opportunities and belief.

I wanted to remind you that growing and sustaining the beliefs that serve you is an active practice.

Recently I've been struggling with belief, and I've been getting in my own way.

So I wanted to remind us all of the opportunities we have this month and why dialling up our beliefs to those that support us to take inspired action will move us closer to goals and dreams.

I want you to remember these 3 things:

The obstacles that you face are not permanent and you will overcome them.

You have done incredible things in the past, which were once dreams and now are your wins, victories and triumphs.

The more you are proactive, solutions focussed and open to the opportunities that exist for you, the more momentum you will gain.

Sometimes we do indeed to rest and not quit. We need to replenish ourselves in order for us to move forward.

Here are 3 affirmations to dial up your belief in yourself for this new month:

1 I am open to new opportunities, to taking on new challenges and I believe I am capable of anything I put my mind too.

2 I am courageous, and I am kind and empathetic to myself as I journey to working on attaining my career goal.

3 I can overcome failure, learn, grow and use it as a source of data to continue on my journey to success.

Hit reply and let me know what is 1 belief that you'll be dialling up this month to support your career growth?

It can sometimes be a lonely journey, to seeking clarity and confidence to execute your biggest career dream. If 2023 is the year that you desire to accelerate your career growth, get in touch for more info on the Career Clarity Solutions.

I hope you have a great day ahead and a wonderful weekend.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
