You have the power to change your story.....
Jul 20, 2023 11:01 am
Dear Wonderful Woman,
How are you doing?
I'm well.
I was at an event yesterday that was all about overcoming challenges in life and building resilience.
It was truly an inspiring story.
It reminded me that going through those tough times in our lives and career definitely can take their toll, however they do not define us or our opportunity to build the life and career that we desire.
I hope you realise your strength.
I hope you realise your power.
I hope you realise your capacity for growth.
I hope you realise your capacity to go beyond your comfort zone.
I hope you realise your ability to get beyond your negative feelings, thoughts or emotions.
I hope you realise your ability to change your story.
And I hope you see your:
Your wins.
Your unique magic.
You have the opportunity to write a story that acknowledges your journey and to use it as inspiration to create your incredible next career season.
Hit reply and let me know what do you realise you have that will help in your career today?
Next week, I'll be on holiday in Dubrovnik, Croatia. I'll be in your inbox next on 1st Aug!
I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛
P.S. If you need support with being your own Cheerleader in your career and executing your next job with confidence, get in touch to find out how the Career Clarity Breakthrough Solution can help you to achieve your 2023 career goal.