Do you acknowledge your progress?
Jun 22, 2022 3:21 pm
Hello Lovely New Coach & Consultant,
How are you doing?
I'm well.
I've been attending my Coach's Fab Boost Camp. 3 Days where Women in Business convene virtually to challenge themselves, experience mindset shifts and to commit to taking action for the next quater.
It got me thinking about Facing my past, Attracting my Future and also Acknowledging my progress.
I think that training your brain to acknowledge, to see and accept your success is a journey. But one you must embrace if you're on your journey to your "Greater Later".
I'd like to share 3 questions to help you to acknowledge your progress:
- What did I do today that moved something for me?
- Who's a person that helps me to celebrate success and what would they say if I couldn't think of a win today or last week?
- What's 1 thing I'm proud I did today?
Hit reply and tell me do you find it easy or hard to acknowledge your progress?
Have a great evening.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛