Is Career Cushioning part of your Strategy for Career Success?

Jun 29, 2023 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman, 

How are you doing? 

I'm well.

Have you heard of the term Career Cushioning?

It is, "Being proactive about your career prospects to soften the blow should anything go wrong with your current job, whether that’s layoffs, a toxic boss or just waking up with the sudden realization that you’re stuck in a role that no longer serves you." Check out the full article: HERE  

Key headlines from that article are:

Unleash the power of LinkedIn

Use LinkedIn proactively, to make your profile attractive to recruiters, optimise to appear in the search for future job roles and build your personal brand. Whether or not your seeking a new role, it pays to use LinkedIn to network and attract career opportunities to you.

Develop new Skills

The world of work is constantly changing, so taking the opportunity to develop your skills through your workplace or indepently will serve your future career opportunities.


Networking is about building relationship building where you currently are and for your future. So being in professional networks, utilizing LinkedIn in to keep in touch with colleagues current and past helps you to access future career opportunities.

As we come to close of this month, you may take some time to reflect on how you're progressing with achieving your career goal for 2023.

Hit reply and let me know which 1 of these are you working on to support your career success?

If you're going into the weekend and thinking you need a positive disruption to support your career success for 2023, get in touch to get more info about how the Career Clarity Breakthrough Solution can unleash the magic within you!

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
