Rest and Never Quit!
Jul 12, 2022 11:01 am
Hello Lovely New Coach & Consultant,
How are you doing?
I hope you're well.
I have not been well. I've been battling with my second infection of Covid. I am in the middle of the perfect storm, Covid and moving house! I'm glad to report that I am close to the end of the sickness and still in the middle of moving!
Here are 3 things I've learnt about having Covid twice:
1 It's a journey to get back to health
I'm on a mission with lots of exciting things I want to do. But having a reality check and realising that in order to get back to health, I was going to have to slow it down! You can check out my LinkedIn story: HERE
2 Resting really does mean not doing, thinking or just checking in on work!
Because when your mind is busy thinking about work, you're not resting even if you're not actually doing anywork, you are using energy and brain power to think about things which you need to put down for the moment. Find a book and read it! I read, It's About Damn Time by Arlan Hamilton.
3 Listening to music is therapeutic!
I started to listen to the Lizzo Back catalogue. Not everyone's cup of tea! I did find joy in her track - About damn time!
Hit reply and let me know what's 1 thing you do to rest when your sick?
Have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛