What do you need start believing?

Apr 05, 2023 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

I have been thinking about beliefs recently.

The thoughts that dominate our thinking and in turn have bearing on our action or inaction.

When you have doubts and fears around what you're capable of you start to hear the things in your mind that confirm that belief.

It can be hard to break the cycle.

Today I am sharing 3 affirmations that will support your career growth and opportunity.

3 Affirmations to support your career growth

1 I am open to learning, going beyond my comfort zone, and taking action to use the data I have to make intentional choices to support my career growth.

2 I am focussed, courageous and I am using my voice to share my valuable opinions at work to support my career progression.

3 I am capable. I am more than enough. I believe in my ability to create solutions and to take intentional action to achieve my career goal.

Hit reply and let me know 1 affirmation you use to support your career growth?

I hope you have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
