Are you "Quiet Quitting on 2022"?
Nov 17, 2022 12:01 pm
Dear Wonderful Woman,
I hope you're well.
There is no doubt about it, it is tough out there. However you are incredible, you have choices, and you can decide how you feel, and what you do to thrive in your life and in your career.
It's November and yes, in stats:
There are 44 Days left in 2022
The year 2022 is 87.95% complete
There are 7 weeks left in 2022
These are the facts. It is You and I that give meaning to the facts. We can decide too -
"Quiet quit on 2022", do the minimum required to get through it, put in minimal time, effort, lower our enthusiasm and just wind down because well nothing really happens in this part of the year.........
And we if we start with that kind of thinking, then we definitely have no hope of:
Seeing the opportunities that are right in front of us
Taking the intentional action that we need put ourselves out there in our best, confident and most inspired self
Going beyond your comfort zone
Attaining our career dreams
And so rather than pulling up your mental drawbridge, and deciding that 2022 is lost, I want you too:
✅ Decide today that you're ready to commit to finishing 2022 STRONG
✅ To commit to taking intentional action that inspires you to be your best self
✅ To ask yourself daily questions that help you see and move beyond your status quo
✅ To find an accountability buddy to help and remind you of your commitment to finishing 2022 STRONG
I invite you to reflect on this power Question:
What will I create in 2023?
To create something that you desire in 2023 you need too:
Be clear on the goal
Assess your skills
And start to take the intentional action that will seed the RESULT you are seeking for 2023
And if you need help or support in that journey get in touch with me to explore coaching and self-service options. Because you don't have to do it alone.
Hit reply and let me know, what is 1 thing you will do today to tell yourself that you haven't "Quiet Quit on 2022"?
Have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛