Are you Ready to finish June on a high?

Jun 27, 2023 11:05 am

Dear Wonderful Woman, 

How are you doing? 

I'm well.

Wow, can you believe we're in the last week of June!

How has your month been?

And with the close of this month it's an opportunity to reflect and to think about what has served us well this month and what hasn't worked so well.

You'll be taking some time to consider your month and your progress towards your career goal for 2023.

One area of growth I find that stands between you and attaining your career goal is going beyond your comfort zone.

It's the things that you tolerate in your career and don't tackle.

It's the things that you shy away from.

It's the things that make you feel uncomfortable.

And the things we believe about our own ability to achieve our biggest career dreams.

I want to remind you that you are empowered, that you can gain the clarity and confidence to achieve your next job or career transition.

Here are 2 tips to support your next career move with clarity and confidence:

1 Focus on what you can control and Who you can Control

We cannot control how other people behave and what they do. We can control how we respond and how we process negative or tough feelings. It's not about denying that we may be in less than ideal circumstances. It is about doing our best to look after our health, mental health, and giving ourselves the opportunity to be in spaces that support our growth, resilience and confidence.

What is 1 thing you can do today to focus on being intentional with supporting your career growth?

2 Be intentional about what you say to yourself

Encourage yourself, be empathetic with yourself and say the words that will build your confidence and belief in yourself. Use positive affirmations, Lisa Nichols shared these great affirmations in her recent video - You Have the Power.

I stand here in my greatness.

I own my light.

I own my brilliance.

I am enough.

I’m bold; I’m courageous.

I am perfect in my imperfection.

This is my time.

I am bright enough.

I’ve experienced enough.

I’m wise enough.

I understand who I am.

I embrace who I choose to become.

I’m unapologetic about my intentions.

Get ready. Here I come.

What is 1 affirmation that you can adopt for next month to support your career success? Adopt one of the above or create your own.

If you desire to be in a new job in September/October and you've been lacking traction and confidence let's talk!

Are you looking to unleash your fullest potential and take your career to the next level?

Get in touch to find how the Career Clarity Breakthrough Solution can support you achieving your career goal for 2023.

Let's Do this Ladies! 😍🤩🙌🏾

I hope you have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛

P.S. Hit reply with Confidence if you'd like more info about the Career Clarity Breakthrough Solution.
