Bet that YOU Can Do It!

Aug 30, 2022 11:01 am

Hello Lovely New Coach and Consultant,

How are you doing?

I'm well, I've recently come back from a lovely break to Devon. The weather was good, the food was fantastic, the scenery was stunning and the people were friendly. 😍😍

Rest is sometimes overrated - but it's something that we all need to do so that you can thrive. 🙌🏾🙌🏾

You have so much to give and sometimes you are getting in your own way by letting the things that don't matter stop you from impacting and changing lives.

My self included.

I'm going to use this analogy because I think it says it best -

"If you had the cure for Cancer within your possession", you would not be:

❌ Worrying about the shape and of the size bottle or the packet the medicine would go in

The font of the name of the medicine stuck on the box or the bottle

How it smelt

How it tasted

Or if it had the longest and unpronounceable name!

You would tell EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let as many producers produce it as possible and believe that anything that needed to be improved or updated could be done so after the medicine was in circulation.

And so the point is we get fixated, myself included on the unimportant details of our offer and so we hold back from sharing fully whilst we perfect it and "leave people in pain".

Because people are in PAIN and they are looking for the CURE that only YOU can offer.

Hit reply and let me know an offer that you're gearing up to share but finding reasons why it's not ready to provide the CURE to the people that need it?

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
