Are you ready for a Summer of Growth?

Jun 15, 2023 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman, 

How are you doing? 

I'm well.

I'm enjoying the warmer weather, that has finally arrived in London, for UK summertime. ☀️😊

Today, I've got a fantastic offer for those of you that are looking to re-connect, reset and refresh your connection to how awesome you are! 😍🤩🔥💃🏾

Speaking from personal experience there are definitely times when working towards your career goal can have you feeling stuck, like your progress isn't happening and your mind is working against you. 😔😢😫

And it's the mindset which is something that is never won and done, something we need to continually work at, myself included.

So I've got an incredible offer, which is 5 Days of Celebration and feeding your mind the thoughts you need to support achieving your career goal for 2023.

If you'd like to start, reconnect, and build up your positive mindset muscles then join us this summer for the 5 Days of inspiration and fun.

This for you if:

  • You're getting over a negative career experience
  • Are feeling frustrated about negativity at work spoiling your peace
  • You're feeling stuck in your career and want to reconnect with yourself
  • You want to feel inspired for keeping on track with your career goal for September

It's a simple fun daily challenge, designed for busy women and to put a spring in your step.

The sizzling summer cost to join us is £29.99. The first 5 Women to sign-up by Midnight on 16th will get a Fast Action Bonus!

To join us and get more info, please hit reply with "Level-up 5".

I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛

P.S. All good with your mindset now, please share with a friend that you think could do with a little bit of a boost in confidence and mindset practices for career success. Please forward them this email! Thank You, I appreciate you. 😍🙌🏾
