4 Ways to Boost your Mental Health for Career Success

May 17, 2023 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Mental Health and Well-being are vital ingredients for our success.

Work, and work related issues from stress, Burnout, dealing with being a minority in the workplace, being the only woman, to having challenging colleagues can leave us feeling depleted and worn out. If you're job-hunting or have been laid off, that can also be exhausting.

Today I wanted to remind you and I that no matter what we are working towards in our career that our health and well-being is priceless and must come first.

Here are 5 Ways to Boost your Mental Health For Career Success

1 Use your Holiday or Paid Time Off

We all need time to rest and to replenish ourselves on regular basis. Listen to your body and if you have experienced Burnout, then notice your triggers and take action to slow down and give yourself a break. We can all get busy at work and fall into the trap of thinking we can't take time off, however it vital that you do take time off for your health and well-being.

When was the last time you took a day off? Do you make taking time off a regular part of your working life or is it only in response to crisis?

2 Use your 7 Days Paid Sick Leave (UK)

We are fortunate in the UK and Europe to have paid sick leave. So use your sick days to heal and rest. Don't just keep calm and carry on. Because that only slows the healing and your productivity. Again it can be tempting not to use your sick days, but your health and well-being is priceless.

Do you tend not to use your sick leave? Or do you make use of it as part of supporting your health and well-being?

3 Invest in regular Self-Care Routine

Self-care supports your health and well-being. We all know that we need to invest time and to create a routine that supports your well-being. It's about making a commitment to yourself to do the things that support you thriving. It's not about spending a lot of money, but it is about making time for you and your needs. Exercise, drinking water, eating a healthy diet and taking the time to do the things that bring you joy.

Do you have a regular self-care routine? What is 1 thing you can do daily to support your mental health and well-being?

4 Stay Connected & Don't Suffer In Silence

There are many workplace issues that can cause stress, anxiety and frustrations as I mentioned before, don't suffer in silence. Reach out to a friend, speak to someone you trust or seek professional help.

Do you keep calm and carry on when you face mental health challenges? Who can you speak to when things are challenging?

You cannot do your best, be your most creative, feel inspired and motivated when you're not well.

Let's all be reminded that our career success is supported by investing in our own health and wellness.

As my coach Yinka Ewuola says, "Taking care of you is taking is taking care of business."

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
