Do you need to make a change in your career?

Jul 11, 2023 11:01 am

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

I've been thinking about change recently.

Have you ever been caught in this trap?

Where you do the same thing over and over again and then wonder why you're not getting a change in the results that you're are desiring.

Guilty, I've done that too!

Change is something that can be desired and yet sometimes it takes us time to get invested in changing our direction, changing our thinking, and changing our actions.

And yet we have the opportunity to make small changes, to change our beliefs, to change our habits and our actions.

Today I'd like you to reflect on what is 1 thing that you can change in your career to support you achieving your career goal for 2023?

Your future can start today, be bold, be brave, be courageous, back yourself and be intentional in your action!

I hope you have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛

P.S. If you're seeking clarity with making your next career move, check out my FREE Guide: HERE.
