Why you Should be Your Own Hype Woman
Jul 25, 2022 11:01 am
Dear Wonderful Woman,
How are you doing?
I am well. If you're located in London or the UK, did you adapt to Heatwave? Or did you let the Heatwave control you?
Because all you can be certain of in this life is that - Change is Constant!
Which neatly leads into my segway about Confidence, it is that belief that you CAN DO IT, Handle Anything & Rebound after Failure.
Because as I am sure that you know confidence literally PAYS!! Here are 3 ways it pays:
✅ You will earn more money
✅ You will try new things and seek out "scary opportunities"
✅ You believe you can handle ANYTHING! - This one is game-changing!
And so if you need help with building your confidence muscle, I've got something incredible for you!
On Friday my Masterclass, The 5 Power Keys to Unlocking Your Confidence & Self-Esteem Masterclass 29th July 7PM- 8:30 PM UK time be complementary, bring a bring and be in with a chance to win a confidence building prize!
Join us - HERE
And if you want to find out why confidence for women in the workplace is complicated issue, you can check out my LinkedIn post - HERE
This Confidence Masterclass is to celebrate the 2 year Anniversary of the Be Your No.1 Cheerleader Book.
And so it's going to be a lot of fun!
Hit reply and let me know what's 1 thing you do build your confidence every day?
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛