How is speaking up and advocating for yourself at work?

Nov 24, 2022 4:31 pm


Dear Wonderful Woman,

I hope you're well.

Today I've been reflecting on a problem I used to have and one that a past client shared with me and that was "being heard at work".

And it's a complicated issue where different factors around, people, company culture and you as the individual have a role to play.

I want us to focus in what we can control and that is YOU and how you respond.

I'm an introvert and so I've had to work on my muscles for speaking-up and being assertive. So I know about that struggle and I know about how tiring it can be when there are people that dominate, are loud and opinionated and it's hard to get a word in.

I know it's tempting to think why should I bother...........

Today I want to share with you 3 reasons why you should speak up and advocating for yourself is the right thing to do.

It doesn't always mean that you'll get the result you want, but it does mean that you know that your voice matters and your worth is inalienable (never in dispute) and not determined by your current circumstance.

Once you have used your voice powerfully, then You have the choice as to what to do next in terms of changing your circumstances.

Here are 3 reasons why you should speak-up and advocate for yourself at work:

  • What goes un-said is not on the record. Go on the record and share your views, opinions, and thoughts to the degree that is helpful and appropriate. Because no-one will know them if you don't speak them or communicate them.

  • You were hired for the skills, and opinions, so use your voice to get them heard and the recognition that you deserve. Because other people will gladly claim your work, so don't let that happen!

  • Your contribution is needed and if you don't share it you are denying yourself opportunities and the world of your genius and impact! And women haven't come this far to come this far, so let your voice be heard!

Hit reply and let me know 1 thing you do to make sure that you speak-up in a meeting and don't play it small?

Have a great evening.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
