How is looking in the Mirror for you?
Oct 26, 2022 2:31 pm
Dear Wonderful Woman,
I hope you're well.
Today I want to talk about self-esteem and having a healthy appreciation and love for yourself.
Self-Esteem is the having an understanding that:
You're Worthy No Matter Your Results
That You Innately have value
That You Matter
That Your story is significant
And so I have a simple question for you and that is how do you find looking in the mirror?
Does it make you cringe?
Do you automatically look away?
Do you close your eyes and wish to change something about your physical appearance?
Do feel shame or self-loathing?
Happy to stare at YOU
Proud of Who and What are Being
Happy to see your magnificent and Imperfect Being
Excited that you see Yourself Transforming
And if you need help with building your confidence and self-esteem you can check out my FLASH Book offer for Today ONLY: HERE
Hit reply and let me know if you can stare yourself in the mirror for more than 1 minute and feel joy or happiness at what you see?
Have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛