Why am I obsessed with the things that don't go as I had hoped?

Sep 14, 2022 4:11 pm

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I am well.

I have been in my coaching group today and we have been reflecting on success habits and creating powerful routines that will help us to thrive and grow.

One of the things we talked about was why it was so easy to get hung up on the 1 negative thing that went wrong and ignore the 3 things that went well.

Your brain is primed to help you survive and so it's primarily concerned about energy conservation. And so it's easy to get caught in the negative feedback loop!

You have to train your brain to go beyond the 1 thing that "went wrong".

That is about asking yourself questions and going beyond listening to the first thing that pops into your mind.

An example a question to help you break the cycle is to ask yourself -

What are 3 things that went today and 1 thing I would like to improve?

To help you train your mind to see what is going well and to acknowledge those wins that we have a tendency to move on from so quickly from.

Stay awhile and revel in your success! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Hit reply and let me know 1 thing you do to acknowledge your success?

Have a wonderful evening.

Warm Regards,

Ekua πŸ’›
