How do I gain greater TRUST in Myself?

Oct 05, 2022 12:01 pm

Dear Wonderful Woman,

I hope you're well.

We've recently been reflecting on Success Habits. Which is great!

I was asked this question recently and I think that my response would be beneficial to all.

Whitney Houston sang,

Learning to love yourself
Is the greatest love of all

And so learning to trust yourself is complicated because it contains links to following linked fundamental elements:

High or Positive Self-Esteem

Positive Self-Acceptance

A positive Self-Image

A healthy relationship with FAILURE

I would say these 4 things are the foundations to having a high level of trust in yourself. Like with most things in personal development space, these things are not static, but they do take nurturing and consistent tending to in terms of growth and improvement.

And what I have famously said in the past, is that it takes days, weeks, months and years to do the work and to grow and transform to the woman you are becoming.

A note about becoming - Don't stop at becoming!

Working on being it !

The difference is rather than striving for it, you believe that you are it and therefore you embody it.

And so what would I recomend to help you build trust in yourself?

Here are my 3 tips for building trust in yourself:

1 Awareness gives you choice and Freedom

  1. Ask yourself where am I now?
  2. How would I rate myself?
  3. What is my biggest challenge?
  4. What is 1 action I will take?

2 What am I doing daily to practice Confidence?

Knowing how to get into a confident state of being and practising it daily will help you build trust in yourself.

  1. What makes me feel confident?
  2. How can I replicate that daily?

3 What am I doing to build a Resilient Mindset?

Feeding your mind with the thoughts that serve you and doing intentional mindset practices daily will help you build trust in yourself.

  1. What mindset practice can I do daily? Affirmations, meditation etc
  2. How much time can I spend on a gratitude practice daily?
  3. How much time can I spend on positive reflective practice daily?

I would consider these as your starter actions for building more trust in yourself. However if you have experience trauma, a toxic workplace or significant life stressor you may want to seek professional help on your journey.

Hit reply and let me know which of the 3 areas you're going to commit to working on?

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
