Are you Ready Career Growth Next Month?
Jan 31, 2023 12:01 pm
Dear Wonderful Woman,
How are you doing?
I'm well.
January is drawing to a close. And so it's time to reflect on how have things gone for you in your career? What opportunities are available to you as we begin our approach to the new month that is coming. Have you been clear, focussed or have been afraid or holding yourself back?
Whatever it's been like for you in the last month, I'd like to give you the opportunity to make changes in forthcoming month.
In order for us to move forward we need to look back and assess our progress. To support you to move forward with your career goals I'm going to share 4 areas to support you to have an even better month ahead.
1 Mindset
What you believe, and the thoughts that you think most regularly are important. They have a strong impact on your actions, in-actions, how you feel and affect your results.
Here are 2 questions to reflect on your mindset in the past month:
1 When I think about thoughts that I've thought most in the last month, have they been helpful or have they been harmful?
2 What is 1 thing I can do next month to improve my mindset?
2 Self-Care
In order for you to be your most inspired, creative and motivated looking after your physical and mental-health is vital. You can't pour from an empty cup! So let's asses how you're doing, and give ourselves the opportunity to be our best selves.
Here are 2 questions to reflect on yourself care in the past month:
1 When I think of the past month, have I been making time to support my mental and physical health regularly?
2 What is 1 thing I can do next month to improve my self-care?
3 Actions towards my career goals
In order for you to make progress towards your career goals, you need to take consistent action. It's important to reflect and to be honest with ourselves about what action have we taken in the last month. We also need to consider what action didn't we take and what gotten in the way of taking that action? (Limiting- beliefs, negative self-talk, fear, being afraid to go beyond your comfort zone etc.)
Here are 2 questions to reflect on the actions you taken towards your career goals:
1 When I think about the action I took in the last month was it enough and was it consistent?
2 What is 1 thing I can proactively do to track and monitor the action I am taking?
4 Growth
In order to reach and scale new heights in your career, you will need to grow. You will need to do things differently, you need to move beyond your comfort zone and feel the fear and do it anyway. Have you been embracing growth opportunities or have you been saying in your comfort zone?
Here are 2 questions to support your career growth:
1 In the past month have I taken any opportunities challenge myself or move beyond my comfort zone?
2 What is 1 thing I am committing to next month to go beyond my comfort zone?
Hit reply and let me know which 1 of the 4 areas will you be working on next month?
I hope that you have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛