Are you engaging with your "low hanging fruit"?

Jun 16, 2022 11:01 am

Hello Lovely New Coach & Consultant,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

In the last coaching session on the programme for new coaches and consultants. We talked about how to utilise your "low hanging fruit".

What is "low hanging fruit"? Your low hanging fruit are contacts, connections, friends, family and people who already know like and trust you.

3 Reasons to get over the ick factor and talk to who you know about what you're doing:

✅ Talking to people that you already know is a lot easier than making and building new relationships. - So who do you know that hasn't heard or may be interested in your new direction?

✅ Talking to your "low hanging fruit" is not just about potential sales, it's also about network and referrals.

✅ They can be your biggest cheerleaders, supporter's and fans. They love sharing your content, offers and events. That's priceless.

Hit reply and let me know, how are you taking advantage of who you already know?

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
