Developing a Testing Mindset - Are you joining us for this live teaching session?

Apr 07, 2022 12:01 pm

Hello Lovely New Coach & Consultant,

How are you doing?

I'm excited about the first live teaching session! 🤩🤩

Friday 8th is the first of our live teaching Sessions. The details are below:

Date: 8th

Time: 2pm

Duration: 45 mins

Topic: Developing a Testing Mindset

Format: Presentation with Q&A - Interactive

Register & Signup: HERE

Here's the link again for the session on 8th April : 

I hope you can join us. A replay is available. Please access the Replay in this Google Drive Folder: HERE

Here is the rest of the live Zoom content which is exclusive to mailing-list members.


Have a great day ahead!

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛

P.S. Need help transitioning from full-time employment to coaching or consulting? Hit reply with "Support for New Coach & Consultant" for more details on support offers.
