Want to know how to unlock Career Success?

Feb 22, 2023 12:01 pm

Dear Wonderful Woman,

How are you doing?

I'm well.

I've been thinking a lot of working through challenges and maintaining a mindset that serves you. It takes focus, and dedication to seeing the bigger picture. To put down some of the negative stories that we tell ourselves.

So I wanted to use this edition of the newsletter to focus in on building career resilience. Because I know as we are journeying towards our goals, there will be time where you'll need to be reminded, that you're not there yet and that you can overcome any obstacles.

Here are 3 Ways to build your Career Resilience:

1 Practice Gratitude

Having a gratitude practice will help you to appreciate all that you already have in your life and in your career. Recognising and valuing what you already have gives you the opportunity to see the positive and to see your bigger picture. Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day to bring these things into focus.

What's 1 thing you're grateful for today?

2 Care for your Mind and Body

Caring for your body and your mind is an important part of enabling you to create the career success that you desire. By investing time in positive mindset practices daily, you support thinking the thoughts that serve you. Assessing how you look after you body, in terms of sleep, diet, exercise and giving yourself rest will help you to care for your body. It will support your well-being and help you holistically.

What's 1 thing you will do for your well-being today?

3 Forgive yourself & Don't be your Harshest Critic

It's important to be self-compassionate, to be kind yourself and to forgive yourself for what you think is holding you back.

To remember that you are being courageous, and as you do that it won't be perfect, it may well be messy, it is that process that is leading to your growth and you going beyond your comfort zone.

What's 1 thing that you can do today reframe a hash judgement that you've made about yourself?

I want to remind you that you have it within you to:

To take positive intentional action

To be courageous

To move beyond your comfort zone

To adapt, change and grow

I believe that you will be inspired today to move forward.

Take a moment to recognise just far you've come.

Hit reply and let me know, - What did you realise about just how far you've come?

I hope you have a great day ahead

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
