The Career Stress Edition

Nov 16, 2022 12:01 pm

Dear Wonderful Woman,

I hope you're well.

Today I'm focussed in on Stress.

Stress simply is our body's response to pressure. It is something that can in small doses support positive action and going beyond your comfort zone. Too much stress has negative and severe consequences.

Because I can remember too many a time when I let the following career issues stress me out:

Job hunting and my perception about my progress

Being in a job I hated and feeling stuck

Feeling like I wasn't where I wanted to be in my career

Feeling like "a failure" when things went wrong at work

And so I just wanted to remind you that there is more to life than you job or your career! And so absolutely work towards those career goals, but put yourself first and realise that you're 1 awesome woman wherever you are in your journey towards career success.

See below the 5 Ways to Reduce Your Stress:

1 Focus on what you can control.

2 Learn to put in place personal and professional boundaries and be able to say "No" to protect your health and well-being.

3 Learn to work through your negative experiences in the moment. Take the time to process them, feel bad and then move on. Let them go. They do not define you.

4 Don't suffer in silence and withdraw. Tell someone you know, like, love or trust. Ask for the help and support you need.

5 Become self-aware about your stress and burnout symptoms. Do not ignore them and take some time off. Have a sick day or take some holiday or vacation days.

Today in LinkedIn post I have shared 7 Hard Truth's About Stress. You can read them: HERE

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
