The missing piece in your health journey

Feb 14, 2022 6:01 pm

Hi there,

There are so many factors that make up our overall health.

To name a few: nutrition, exercise, and toxins found in our water, food & products.

But what about our stress levels? Even if we don't "feel stressed", our body is most likely in the sympathetic state.

The sympathetic state is our body's "fight or flight" mode. It's activated when we need to run from danger or really heighten our focus on something. Unfortunately, modern day has us stuck in a sympathetic state.

Did you know that most healing occurs when we are in the parasympathetic state? This is the body's rest and digest part of the nervous system.

Under stress, liver detoxification is naturally down regulated, therefore the body doesn’t want to detoxify. The body sends signals to the organs to be ready for "fight/flight", and healing/detoxification are placed on the back burner due to order of importance.

So how do we support our body and place ourselves into a parasympathetic dominant state? There are a few things you can do now to help promote this for your body.

  1. Meditation is such an important piece to overall health. This slows our body down, places the brain into less chatter, and allows our body to heal without blockages. You don't have to sit in a completely quiet room. There are many forms of meditation: breath work and guided meditation being a couple of them. Ten minutes daily is plenty.
  2. Reduce caffeine intake to 1 cup/day. Caffeine naturally places us into a sympathetic state and is also eliminated by the liver. So too much caffeine can place stress on our liver.
  3. Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol also needs to be eliminated by the liver.
  4. If you are taking these steps to help your body's healing processes, try next incorporating liver supporting foods: cruciferous vegetables, beets, turmeric & ginger.

For more tips on overall health, follow my instagram @wfpb_doctor

Below are some of my favorite companies for further supporting overall health:


This is one of the key things that have helped me in my own healing journey.

There are so many benefits to regulate sauna use:

  • Lowers total cholesterol & LDL-C while increasing HDL
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves blood flow
  • Very immune supporting
  • Healthy blood pressure
  • Eliminates toxins: heavy metals, flame retardants, BPA, PCB

The problem with most saunas is the high EMF and toxic material used in the manufacturing process.

That's why I love my Sunlighten. Use code DRPEACOCK for $100 off and free shipping!


These two companies are my go to's for coffee and tea! They both share their COA stating their third party testing for mold, pesticides, and heavy metals.

Purity coffee: use code DRPEACOCK20 for 20% off

Pique tea: use code DRPEACOCK for 5% off


My program offer 1:1 weekly coaching to reducing overall toxin burden, individual nutritional meal plans, weight loss, and more.

If your goal is athletic coaching: I provide individualized coaching tailored to helping you reach your goals through nutrition.

Click here to book a free 15 minute consult.

Exciting news on the horizon!

I have some very exciting news for next week, so stay tuned for my newsletter coming out in 1 week.

Happy Monday!

