Day 7 Health Challenge

May 22, 2022 12:01 pm

Welcome to the FINAL day!

You've committed to a full week of focusing on your health. Congratulations!

As you've seen throughout this week: there are so many contributors to overall wellness, it isn't just one factor.

But as you've also probably noticed, these positive changes don't take up much time. They can be easily incorporated and slowly done over time.

With meals, come up with your favorite plant rich ones and plan ahead at the grocery store for them. Prep a few of your starches and proteins ahead of time. Make similar meals so you aren't stressing over making multiple kinds. You can add diversity with sauces, different starches, veggies and/or proteins!


Finding a few minutes a day to sit down and be with yourself is so rewarding. You can gradually increase the time or enjoy doing 5-10 minute ones daily. What matters most is giving your mind and body a break from stressful life!

Here's your final meditation for the challenge. It's 30 minutes, I know it sounds long but you deserve it after such a successful week!


Some of my favorite foods to focus on daily:

  • 1-2 spices 
  • 1-2 garlic cloves + another herb
  • onions/leeks
  • cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, radish)
  • colorful veggies or a smoothie
  • berries
  • apple
  • quality protein (lentils, beans, soy, protein powder)
  • pumpkin seeds
  • flax seeds
  • 2 Brazil nuts
  • fermented foods

This list will provide you with getting many of the nutrients are body's need to thrive daily.

Thank YOU for doing in the challenge!

If you are looking for 1:1 personal consults, you can book a free 15 minute call to discuss your goals on my website.

I work with a variety of goals:

  • weight loss
  • athlete training
  • transitioning to plant based
  • reducing environmental toxin load & supporting your body by opening up detox pathways
  • fatigue, leaky gut, headaches, brain fog (symptoms of toxin overload) aka "unexplained symptoms"

You can follow me on my instagram account @wfpb_doctor for more tips on health & wellness!

Don't forget, at the end of the "5 Pillars of Health" booklet are many great toxin free product switches you can make!

Health & happiness,

