The truth about weight loss

Nov 01, 2021 10:01 pm

Hi there,

The topic about weight loss is a multi million dollar business. There are numerous companies that will tell you they have the secret.

Here's the thing: weight loss occurs within a lot of these diet fads for a few reasons, but the weight always seems to come back. The client then feels they failed, when in actuality- they weren't given all the facts!

Below are a few of the reasons you can lose weight when on these diet trends:

  1. They have you on an extreme caloric deficit.
  2. They have you on the keto diet, which results in mostly water weight loss in the beginning. This is because water follows carbohydrates when absorbed in the body. On a keto diet, you eat mainly protein.
  3. They have you over exercising, which will result in weight loss if keeping a caloric restriction.

Now here's why these don't work: they aren't sustainable!

These aren't teaching you how to live a healthy lifestyle and make it consistently work for you.

Here's why a major caloric deficit isn't the answer:

You end up craving the foods that you are eliminating to fit into a big caloric deficit. This results in going through periods of overeating, bingeing, and trying to "restart" on Monday's.

Again, not sustainable.

Why the ketogenic diet doesn't work:

Like I mentioned above, the keto diet eliminates most carbohydrates. Glucose is our body's main source of fuel, and without this, our body doesn't function properly. This can lead to overeating junk foods because our body is craving some form of glucose.

Another reason, is that we would be eating an extremely high amount of animal protein. This is very tough on the body, especially our kidneys trying to filter out this protein load.

This isn't sustainable because it's very unhealthy for our body to eat that much animal protein and typically people start to crave glucose in all forms (ie processed foods).

If trying to achieve a form of ketosis for health reasons, fasting would be a better option.

Over-exercising and under-eating is also not the answer:

Our body's are extremely smart, and will adapt our metabolism to this. Our metabolism's job is to keep us alive, and will reach a certain point in which you wouldn't lose weight anymore because it feels threatened.

Typically, the response by most people is to exercise even more or cut calories more. This would work for a little while, but then the metabolism adjusts and you're left feeling extremely depleted and hungry.

You start to increase calories but the weight returns.

Again, not sustainable.

So... what is the answer?

First, let me start by explaining one more topic. One that falls within the plant based community: "You can eat all you want on a whole food plant based diet and lose weight."

This tends to misguide so many people. They feel they can include all the foods they want, and get confused when they start to gain weight.

This is because it's completely ignoring the Law of Thermodynamics! If you are eating more calories than you are expending, you will gain weight. This is something we can't avoid.

Answer: individualized and planned!

The key to losing weight:

  1. Minor caloric deficit
  2. Including enough plant sources of protein
  3. Including resistance training

In order to lose weight, we do have to be in a minor caloric deficit. This number is different for everyone due to many factors: age, occupation, goals, activity level, steps per day, current weight, height etc. After achieving goal weight loss, you have to "reverse diet" the calories back in, or the weight returns. This means slowly increasing your calories back to maintenance calories.

When losing weight, you need to eat enough protein sources to continuously supply your muscles. A lot of times, people see the scale number decrease when in a caloric deficit, but don't realize this number is not fat decreasing but protein from our muscle stores! The protein goal is different for each person depending on factors mentioned above.

Resistance training is key: this helps build lean muscle mass from our fat stores. This type of exercise is fat loss training, and should be done at least 3 times/week. Not only for weight loss, but it's essential for keeping us healthy and increasing bone density!


This is something I am so passionate about is helping people feel their best on a plant based diet!

After our in depth initial consult, I calculate everything based on many different factors and come up with your individualized plan. I then provide a meal plan showing exactly how to eat for your goals.

I'm not just providing meal plans, but teaching you so you can do it on your own too.

I teach my clients how to include their favorite meals, and still achieve the weight loss. The key is sustainability and consistency.

So yes, you can still go out and enjoy your favorite restaurants. This part is important.

You can apply for a free 15 minute phone consult here

For more tips, check out my instagram @wfpb_doctor

Two of my favorite go to products:

I love Nuzest protein because its organic, third party tested for heavy metals, and pesticide free. I add to my morning smoothie or oatmeal daily! Use code DRPEACOCK for 15% off.

I also love Zego oats. This brand is pesticide free and third party tested. They cold press their oats which actually preserves the protein content. Use code DRPEACOCK for 10% off.

Yours in health,

